Appleton, Wisconsin Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


The city of Appleton, Wi. adopted the Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS chs. 320–325. Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code Art. III, Div. 1, § 4-140 (accessed 3/31/2015). The city also expressly adopted the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, SPS chs. 361–366. Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code Art. III, Div. 1, § 4-136 (accessed 3/31/2015).

Helpful resources for Appleton, Wisconsin include the following.

Residential Building Code

Wisconsin adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control. Authority for local amendments will be limited.See PLRB, Wisconsin Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Appleton adopted the Wisconsin Uniform Residential CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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The city of Appleton, Il. adopted the Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS chs. 320–325. Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code Art. III, Div. 1, § 4-140 (accessed 3/31/2015). The code as adopted by the city of Appleton contains some variances not originally covered by the UDC described below. The code applies to all residential buildings built after December 1, 1978. Id§ 4-140(a). No provisions were found extending the UDC to construction built prior to 1978.


§ 4-141. (Garages and accessory buildings) This section covers the construction of both unattached and attached garages.


§ 4-143. (Maintenance generally) This section covers Housing maintenance with additional amendments in § 4-236 (Housing – Maintenance generally).

Existing Buildings

Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.

Appleton ordinace provides that the state uniform residential code"shall apply to all construction of one- (1-) and two- (2-) family buildings, and shall apply to all such existing buildings, but only to the extent such existing buildings are remodeled, reconstructed or added to." Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code § 4-140, paragraph (c) (accessed 11/21/2013).

Commercial Building Code

Appleton adopted the 1996 BOCA National Building CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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The city of Appleton, Wi. adopted the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, SPS chs. 330–366. Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code Art. III, Div. 1, § 4-136 (accessed 3/31/2015).


The city of Appleton, Wi. provides certain grandfathered ordinances (variances to the CBC). An ordinance that is grandfathered has passed the requirements laid out by the Legislature in Wisconsin Statute §101.02(7r)(b). The grandfathered ordinances are listed below:


Sec. 6-20. FIRE ALARMS.


(a) Every public building, dwelling or place of employment containing either a manual, sprinkler activated or fire detector activated alarm system shall comply with this section.

(b) New or upgraded fire alarm systems at large buildings or buildings with multiple occupancies shall provide outside strobe lights indicating the occupancy or area of fire alarm activation and if applicable, the location of the Fire Department connection. The location of these strobe lights is to be determined by the Fire Chief or designee.




(c) Buildings and areas where required. Every building constructed or structurally altered shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system installed and maintained when occupied in whole or part for the following purposes:

(4) Multifamily dwellings of three (3) units or more exceeding four thousand eight hundred (4,800) square feet per floor and dormitories, except housing for the elderly, shall be protected by one (1) of the following automatic sprinkler systems:

b. Option #2 shall include the protection of all areas within the building by an automatic fire sprinkler system complying with Standard 13 of the National Fire Protection Association and equipped with residential type sprinkler heads in the living units.

(6) Educational Group E occupancies:

a. In basements, kitchens, shops and other spaces where combustibles are stored or handled.

b. In other than fire resistive buildings.

1. Ten thousand (10,000) square feet or over.

2. Two (2) stories and up exceeding six thousand (6,000) square feet in area.

3. Three (3) stories and up in height.

(d) Application to existing buildings. Where the Fire Chief finds that by reason of construction or highly combustible occupancy, existing buildings constitute a severe fire hazard to its occupants or to adjoining property, the provisions of this section will apply.

(e) System types and approval of plans. Approved automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed, connected to an adequate water supply with sprinkler heads, valves and auxiliary equipment of standard types suitable for the individual building to be protected as determined by adopted Standard 13, of the National Fire Prevention Association. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be designed with a minimum five (5) psi water supply safety factor.




(c) Location and installation of smoke detectors.

(1) Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a minimum of one (1) approved detector installed in a manner and location consistent with its listing. The Fire Department Fire Prevention Division can be contacted for recommendations when an owner is concerned about the installation and number of detectors.

(2) All existing dwelling units must meet the requirement of the State of Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code, Wisconsin Administrative Code, SPS 321.09 and 328.01 Smoke Detectors. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a minimum of one (1) approved, listed and labeled smoke detector sensing visible or invisible particles of combustion, installed in a manner and location consistent with its listing.

(d) Approval. A smoke or heat detector required under this section shall be approved by Underwriter's Laboratories, Factory Mutual or any other comparable testing firm.


(PDF version here)

Existing Buildings

The 2009 IEBC is made part of the Commercial Building Code, subject to the modifications specified in the Wis. Adm. Code § SPS 366.

Other Building Codes

The Wisconsin Electrical Code § SPS 316 (Based on the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, 2011 edition). Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code § 4-342.

The Wisconsin Plumbing Code Plumbing § SPS 380-387Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code § 4-262.

The city of Appleton, Wi. adopted the International Fire Code with the exclusions chapter 1 or 34. Appleton, Wi. Mun. Code § 4-342.

The International Energy Conservation Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 363.

The International Mechanical Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 364.

The International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 365.